Last spring my father-in-law decided to give up his 1989 MJ Comanche Jeep Truck. It was like seeing the little boy come out in my husband. He had always wanted it and to fix it up. My step son was here for the summer and Dave waited for him to help with the lift kit. That was a great father son project. (Picture: Bryan and MJ before lifted)

They put on Tomken’s 8” long arm kit for the front and did a spring over in the rear. With putting this much lift the rear drive shaft had to be longer. Then he stole the 35” tires off my 76 blazer. Which I can’t complain since he sold his GMC with 6” lift to buy me the Grand Cherokee. Now the story behind WHY 8” of lift. When we first finished the grand and they sat face to face in front of the house at the time the MJ had 4" lift and the grand towered over the MJ he could not handle it. That was when he decided to go the 8”. Which I admit it dose look good.

Next one of our Tomken front bumpers for the the 84-96 XJ Cherokee went on. My father-in-law already had this on the MJ when he passed it on. Dave wanted to give it a face lift though. All of our front XJ bumpers will fit the MJ’s. Also the grill guard. Much need around here with all the deer.

Now the rear of the MJ is different from the XJ, so they had to design a new rear. This bumper is made of 2x6 heavy steel. It comes with or without d-ring mounts.

Last but not least and very important comes the 2 x 4 rock bars. These bars mount to the frame rails and pinch well.
This turned out to be a great project and needless to say my hubbies pride and joy