Well we lost our road 2 or 3 times yesterday. Around 1:30 Jeff went out to make a pass with the plow jeep, it was closing in then . He went back out around 2:30 and tried to plow some more and got stuck. YAAA I was excited because we put a Black Mountain Winch on my Grand Cherokee last winter and I have never got a chance to see if it works. We hooked it up and start to pull well the plow jeep was so buried and the plow was wedged in the bank that when I started to winch in, with my jeep in park with emerg brake on the plow jeep was not coming out but my jeep was going forward it was a little scary. I kept trying and my jeep just got closer it was just the wrong jeep was moving. So yes the Black Mountain Winch works and yes our new winch bumper is sturdy. Anyway a neighbor up the hill came to the rescue with his tractor and they lifted and moved the jeep. Well the excitement has started to leave realizing that we are not going to be able to get out to go home. The neighbor went to work on the road. His wife also need to get out to go get the kids from school. It took till around 6:00 for him to just get a path wide enough for us all to get out. It was like a loosing battle. The wind was still blowing and it was trying to fill back up as fast as he moved it. We did get out. Well this was the sight when I turn in to the entrance this morning.

Our other neighbor was out before 5:00 trying to get the road open. He did get a path opened up and then both neighbors started between the snow fence that disappeared awhile back and the road to push up the snow to make wall so when the wind blows it will drift out in the field instead of the road. They worked hard this morning clearing the road. When leaving this afternoon it looked like a road again. Most times when it snows we are able to take care of it with just the plow jeep. Here lately we had to call out the big guns. I am very thankful for neighbors that help.

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